Spirituality in Organizations and Businesses

Organizations in the age of VUCA – Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity – have become very advanced and complex systems, which are themselves rife with frequent changes and uncertainty. The amount of stress, burnout, and difficulty in organizations at both the individual and the group level is rising with the advancement of technology and the increase in work pace within and between organizations.
Spirituality based on humanistic and pluralistic perspectives has much potential for helping organizations become more benevolent, so that their organizational climate will not be stressful and damaging but rather caring and beneficial, for both the organization and for its personnel. The goal is to promote organizations where employees can find and experience joy and meaning and where interpersonal relationships and communication are respectful and nurturing, not just for the organization but also for its employees.
This can be done by integrating values and spiritual elements such as the experience of connection, caring, meaning and elation into workplace culture, while addressing the needs of the organization such as high-quality communication, employee absence and more. From this perspective, spirituality in organizations is no longer just “nice to have”, it is in fact essential.
Indeed, in the past decade extensive “spiritual” activity can be found in organizations around the world, such as seminars on listening, mindfulness, stress and burnout prevention, developing resilience, self-compassion and sense of meaning at work, and advancing employees’ well being and personal development. These are all becoming more and more prevalent in the organizational and business arena. What started as a few occasional activities in organizations run by “enthusiasts” of these practices, has now become common in various fields such as education, the military, physical and mental health, academia, business organizations, businesses, and government. 
Our purpose is to increase exposure to the notion of spirituality in organizations, to identify and present the many activities which are already taking place in Israel, to initiate and encourage practical applications and new research on the subject, to provide practitioners in the field with relevant research-based support, and put the topic on the Israeli public agenda; all in order to help build and cultivate more benevolent organizations, who will have a major role in cultivating a benevolent, caring, ethical and healthy Israeli society.